Filmmaker Alex Harty, 29, has always considered himself a"tortured artist"-but it's not until his wife dies in a car accident that he learns the t[展开全部]
Filmmaker Alex Harty, 29, has always considered himself a"tortured artist"-but it's not until his wife dies in a car accident that he learns the term's true meaning. Still saddled with grief two years after her death, Alex's once-promising career has come to a standstill. After assaulting a movie producer with a Mont Blanc pen in Los Angeles, Alex returns to his hometown of San Francisco with little more than his beloved Mercury Comet, and a tape recording of his wife's last phone message. Once in the Bay Area, Alex re-acquaints himself with a wide array of characters, including a photographer who's stalking her ex-boyfriend, a fetish-hungry former classmate, a San Francisco socialite who fancies herself as a patron of the arts, a wedding band singer turned performance artist, a flashy City Supervisor who aspires to be the next JFK, Jr., and the now grown-up French girl who spent her childhood summers as his neighbor. Several misadventures, including a comical car accident, a series of failed pranks and a minor earthquake, culminate in Alex reaching a clearer understanding of his grief, one that allows him to break through his"torture" and return to his art. Written by Anonymous在巴布亚新几内亚某地一个人迹罕见的原始丛林腹地,有一个号称洞穴之母的巨洞——伊萨·阿拉。腰缠万贯的探险家卡尔(Ioan Gruffudd 饰)一掷千金,雇用拥有丰富洞穴探险经验的弗兰克(Richard Roxburgh 饰)及其团队对这里进行勘查。转眼之间几个月过去,伊萨·阿拉的勘探虽然颇见成效,但进度仍显缓慢。与此同时,强烈的热带风暴即将到来,洞穴探险迫在眉睫。卡尔为此和弗兰克发生争吵,而后者孤注一掷,和早已身心疲惫的搭档茱德(Allison Cratchley 饰)潜入水中,挑战有着“魔鬼之限”之称的凶险通道。另一方面,卡尔的女友维多莉亚和弗兰克的儿子乔希也到洞中探险。殊不知灭顶之灾正在逼近……影片发生在1905年,一艘名为波将金号的战舰上,原本这是一艘沙皇海军的骄傲,可是因为连续数月的伙食太差,导致了一场哗变。沙皇海军波将金号战舰上,水兵的生活环境非常差,受着非人的待遇。一连数月,水兵的伙食很差,供应的牛肉甚至长满了蛆,引起了战舰上水兵们的极度不满。部分水兵策动起义,却受到了军官的镇压。指挥官下令枪杀叛乱者,但是由于起义之火在众人心中燃烧。行刑队拒绝开枪,起义者们拿起武器将军官丢入大海。波将金号被起义者们夺取,并驶入敖德萨石阶进行补给。敖德萨的群众对水兵们的遭遇非常同情,义愤填膺,纷纷声援起义的水兵。而群众的声援却遭致沙皇军队的镇压,一场血腥的屠杀就此展开……老夫人安抚性的拍拍他的肩膀,一旁何琴双手合十,语气好奇又兴奋,:怎么快这么生了?天,保佑生个男宝宝。除了那金疮药的二两银子,许云山一直对她比较照顾,经常送吃的给她们姐妹三个。那我都跟人说好了,你总不能让我放人鸽子吧?这样子太没礼貌了。苏太太说。张全信看到张采萱,笑着问道,采萱,吃饭了吗?张玉敏最先回过神来,忍不住的惊呼了一声:这不是张秀娥那姘头吗!韩雪感觉右腿被抱住,脚边响起孩子哀求的哭泣声,姐姐,求求你,不要杀我爸爸。[收起部分]