罗伊·沃德于1916年出生于英国伦敦,开始是作为阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克在《失踪的女人》(1938)影片中的助理导演踏入影视界。在二战期间还参军入伍,战争结束后来到好莱坞发展,曾在1952年执导了玛丽莲·梦露主演的电影《无需敲门》。后来罗伊·沃德又返回英国,参与执导了一系列的电视剧集,包括有《复仇者》、《说服者》以及《看守者》等。此外,在罗伊·沃德的职业生涯晚期还拍摄了众多英国恐怖片,如1970年的《吸血鬼爱人》、《德古拉的伤疤》以及1973年的《行尸走肉》。在1...Robert Francis Goldthwait (born May 26, 1962), better known as Bobcat Goldthwait, is an American comedian, director, actor, voice actor, and screenwriter, known for his acerbic black comedy, delivered through an energetic stage persona with an unusual gruff and high-pitched voice. He came to prominence with his stand-up specials An Evening with Bobcat Goldthwait – Share the Warmth and Bob Goldthwait – Is He Like That All the Time? and hi...Danielle Nicole Panabaker (born September 19, 1987) is an American actress. She is best known to younger audiences for her roles in the Disney Channel films Stuck in the Suburbs (2004) and Read It and Weep (2006), along with her younger sister Kay Panabaker. She came to prominence as a cast member alongside James Woods in the CBS legal drama series Shark (2006–2008) and is also noted as a Scream Queen, having starred in the horror films F...Dr Kevin Fong explores a medical revolution that promises to help us live longer, healthier lives. Inspired by the boom in health-related apps and gad...沈悦说的什么来着,表哥见了她的照片,对她很感兴趣。顾潇潇歪着脑袋将就他的手,不然耳朵非给他拧下来不可,这老头下手可不带手软的。韩雪听到对方的回答,心里说不出的失望,好不容易碰到的人,结果人家不知道,真是白白浪费了她那么多力气,转身就要离开的时候。在一队美国士兵消失,一个特种部队被部署来营救他们。他们很快会遇到巨大的蝎子军队,蜘蛛和蛇,从另一个层面来地球。不过听迟砚这话里的意思,理亏的明明是那个渣男, 怎么还轮得上他来挨打?更何况张大湖还是一个脑袋缺筋少弦的老实人。艾美丽之所以在顾潇潇前面,是顾潇潇和她换了个位置。[收起部分]