主人公刘阳为结婚欠下高利贷,被逼还债把房子抵押给银行,而被妻子离婚,换上抑郁症,失去爱人和房子的他在街头流浪时发生车祸,进入另一个世界,莫名其妙被一个黑衣人追杀...一部关于一名年轻女子神秘自我强加的孤独的超现实电影,一些越来越令人不安和奇怪的事件开始在她周围展开。A hot young band playing at clubs and raves across the Northwest. Handsome lead singer Dylan Brown (Sean Cook) has a bit of an ego problem, guitarist Mike Prichard (Jason McKee) is a true womanizer, dark and mysterious bassist Beatrice London (Brooke Bailey) has a death and destruction fetish, and drummer Robert"Nancy Boy" Nancy (Tom Olson) just wants everybody to get along. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure, they rock! Unknown to the rest of the band, Dylan and Mike have decided to go solo; unfortunately they choose to play their last gig at a rave at the notorious Club 905 a performance that will change their lives forever. Elliot Brown (Sam Prudhomme) Dylan's younger brother attends to film his rockumentary on the band. When club owner Guy Johnson (Andrew Parker) runs out of alcohol he quickly loses the crowds. Mysteriously the band finds itself trapped in the cavernous, old meat packing plant that is now Club 905, along with Guy's red-hot, intriguing girlfriend Star (Bee Simonds) and Dylan's sweetie Vanessa Jones (Wonder Russell) lovingly called Jonesy. Tension increases when the mutilated body of a flirty groupie turns up in a meat locker and the group realizes they are locked in with a vicious killer. Gruesome slaughter, fear and death stalk the band and their friends through the labyrinth of rooms and passageways of the old building. As secrets are revealed, people turn up dead, bodies disappear, and emotions run rampant as everybody turns into a suspect. As the body count rises, they must stick together to survive and find a way out. But how well can you really know someone? Is it possible that the hard feelings among the band have spawned a killer within? Who will live and who will die? As the group's bassist London morbidly points out,"The only way to become a rock legend is to trash a hotel room or die a violent death."本片根据武警内蒙古总队医院院长郭纯事迹改编。chen:我想陪你说说话或者唱首歌给你听什么的,说不定一会儿你就睡着了。本片开始回顾了一战时第一部反映巴尔干半岛的默片,内容是描述纺织女工生活的场景。主人公(哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)是个希腊裔美国人,在经历战争洗礼后,他怀着感慨的心情重归故里,寻找电影开始的地方。他跟同伴讲述着曾经在这里度过的岁月,怀旧而伤感。特别是看 到教徒手持火把游行的情景,勾起了他对残酷战争的回忆。最后,他决心逃离。大雪漫天,他要了辆出租车,并答应送一位老人回家乡看看。然而,满目疮痍的战争废墟,让老人无家可归。汽车在雪地里抛锚,他只能登上了列车继续前行。在萨拉热窝,他在电影馆馆长的陪同下,寻找那部默片未果,却和馆长的女儿一见钟情。他高调地进入社交圈,却发现这里已经被前苏联的文化浸染,到处吟唱着喀秋莎的旋律。他曾目睹列宁的雕像被卸开,内心涌动着复杂的感情……张春桃已经帮忙把张秀娥背后的竹篓子给解了下来。她才不会告诉铁玄,自己带着牌位,是防备着聂家那些人呢。你-是-好人-说完,嘴角挂起邪恶的笑容,最后,脸上的表情,慢慢变得呆滞。[收起部分]